Richard Noble

Name: Richard Noble

Clearance: L3

Role(s): Senior Staff Psychiatrist

Age: 54

Height: 188cm

Nationality: American

Physical Description: A grumpy, visually unsympathetic old man with a constant frown on his face. He has a scarred, craggy face. Because of an encounter with SCP-106, his right leg and left arm had to be replaced with advanved prosthetics. Likewise his right eye was replaced with an artificial device capable of projecting images in the 'iris'.

Background: Richard Noble was born and raised in Detroit in the year 1963 and always had his current character traits. He studied psychology and became a psychiatrist, staying that until the year 1993 when he discovered a memetic disease in many of his patients. Foundation Agents tracked him down and offered a position as Researcher in Site-19. During his first five years there, he'd often switch between being a Staff Psychiatrist and Research Psychiatrist for cognitohazardous anomalies, finally choosing the former, however he focused less on the actual Foundation personnel and continued to mainly work on people affected by the anomalous.

During Walter Winters's unexplained absence he was temporarly put in charge of the Cognitohazards Department, a position that he wasn't suitable for due to his obsession with micro-management and horrible relation to staff and anomalies alike, which in the process damaged the trust most personnel of said Department had in the Overseers.

Demoted to Level 3 and restricted from further interactoions with anomalous entities until further notice by order of the Ethics Committee.

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